Bridging Upverter and OSHPark
Upverter is the best online circuit creation platform, and OSHPark is one of the best circuit board production services. Put the two together, and you should find bliss - but you won't. Anyone who has had an Upverter-designed board built by OSHPark will be familiar with this problem. When you download gerbers from Upverter, you get a zip full of files like bottomcopper.ger and toppaste.ger. OSHPark, on the other hand, wants names like Bottom Layer.ger and Board Outline.ger.
Here are the name transformations - each pair consists of the Upverter name followed by the OSHPark name. If a file isn't listed here, it should not be uploaded to OSHPark.
var filepairs = new TupleList<string, string>
{ "layers.cfg", "layers.cfg" },
{ "hole.ger", "Drills.xln" },
{ "mechanical_details.ger", "Board Outline.ger" },
{ "top_copper.ger", "Top Layer.ger" },
{ "top_silkscreen.ger", "Top Silk Screen.ger" },
{ "top_solder_mask.ger", "Top Solder Mask.ger" },
{ "bottom_copper.ger", "Bottom Layer.ger" },
{ "bottom_silkscreen.ger", "Bottom Silk Screen.ger" },
{ "bottom_solder_mask.ger", "Bottom Solder Mask.ger" }
I wrote a quick C# command line app to do the transformation automatically. If you drop a Upverter zip onto the app, it will create an osh_ zipfile using the OSHPark naming conventions.
You can find the source and the binary at
BONUS: Create a shortcut to the binary in the %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
directory! This will allow you to right click on an Upverter zip and choose Send to: OSHPark!